Your Paparazzi Website

As a Paparazzi consultant you get a FREE personal website to share with your customers! This website is known as your replicated website.

Your website goes live the minute you become a consultant and is an excellent tool that allows you to share the products Paparazzi has offer! Use it to it's fullest advantage.

Your personal website is:
If you would like to personalize your website, you can contact the Paparazzi Support Team (855)697-2727 and they can assist you. Everything else is customizable from your Back Office (BO)

When used to it's fullest potential your website has the ability to really connect you with people. Part of making that initial connection is through the photo you upload and your the story that you share under the My Story link. The more personable you make your profile the more likely you are to attact visitors that will stay and become customers.

Take time to think about your why and develop your 'story'. Your story should convey to people how Paparazzi has had an impact on your life, and what the benefits of being part of something like Paparazzi has in your life. People know that you love Paparazzi because it's affordable. What they don't know is how the money you earned has helped you financially. They have no way of knowing that it helped you pay off a debt, paid for a family vacation or even buys your families groceries each month, unless you tell them!

As your business grows, so will your story. Be sure to visit and read your own story often and update it as it changes.

How to make changes to your website, from your Back Office:

Update your contact information:
To change/update your contact information displayed on your website, click MY PROFILE and the select REPLICATED SITE INFO. You can quickly and easily update, hide/display your name, email address etc.

Add 'My Story:
To update your story, click on MY PROFILE and then select EDIT PROFILE. In the REPLICATED SITE TEXT you can type out your story, sharing your journey in Paparazzi with those that visit your website. Be sure to also add a profile picture while you are making these changes.

Add a Profile Picture/Photo:
To add a photo click on MY PROFILE and then select EDIT MY PICTURE. It will then allow you to upload a photo of your choose. *Photos must be 150x150 pixel and in JPEG or GIF format. If you  need assistance resizing a photo I can help you. When selecting a picture be sure to use one that 1.)you are comfortable having people see and 2.) Is of you, either alone, or with your family. It's much easier for people to feel comfortable building a buyer/seller relationship when they can see what the person they are giving their business to looks like. I discourage you from using a silly photo of yourself or someone else, or even a pet.

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