I've Got Someone Interested in Joining Paparazzi-What Do I Say?!?

Someone telling you that they are interested in joining Paparazzi can be an exciting time! An exciting time that can be immediately followed with the panic of "What Do I Say?!?!"  There is a delicate balance between sharing your own excitement for Paparazzi and vomiting too much information on them.

Here is an example of what I typically email to people that indicate they are interested through my Google Check Out Form.

First of all, I want to thank you for supporting your friends party, and in turn my Paparazzi business.
At checkout, you indicated that you wanted to know more about what Paparazzi has to offer! I'd be happy to share with you everything there is to know!

Paparazzi has some great incentives for people interested in joining as a consultant! They've also made it so you can do Paparazzi in a way that suits YOU! Which includes everything from being a personal use consultant-meaning you buy for your own enjoyment at a STEEP discount ($2.75/per piece) with low minimum purchases that you have an entire year to meet OR you can buy, sell, and work it like a hobby, part-time job or a full-time job-making a 45% commission on all sales! It's up to you!

I'd love to share more, but don't want to bombard you with too much information! If you are ready for more information, I have a blog where you can read more OR I'd be happy to answer any of your questions either via email, private message, or I'm also available for telephone calls.
To access the blog I mentioned above, click HERE

I look forward to hearing from you!
Pretty in Pink Paparazzi

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